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Morton United FC - Mission and Vision

The mission of Morton United FC is to develop the athleticism, technical skill and mental growth of our soccer players in a positive team environment. Players will be challenged to demonstrate honor, integrity, teamwork, perseverance, confidence, competition, and sportsmanship. This will allow them to be supportive and inclusive teammates, students, and members of their community. The goal of Morton United FC is to prepare players to be ready to be productive players for the Morton High School soccer program.

Morton United FC - HAndBooK
View Handbook​​​​​​​

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Morton United FC  - BYLaws
View Bylaws​​​​​​​

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Frequently Asked questions - FAQ

When and how are teams chosen? ​​​​​​​
After registration and evaluations, the teams are chosen by a combination of Coaches Committee, Coaches, and Board Members and will be communicated via email.

How often would practices be? ​​​​​​​
For both tournament and leagues teams it’s typical to have 2 practices a week. Some league teams will practice once a week and have a game once a week.

What days would practice be on? ​​​​​​​
After teams are chosen the coaches request to the Board certain days/times to practice. With the amount of teams Morton United FC has it’s not guaranteed coaches/teams will get the desired time slot.

Where are practices? ​​​​​​​
Practices are at McClallen Park. 401 N., Tennessee Ave, Morton, IL 61550

How long does the season last? ​​​​​​​
Fall Season typically runs from middle of August to end of October Spring Season typically runs from February/March to end of May

When are fees due? ​​​​​​​
After teams are chosen, coaches are assigned, and coaches choose tournaments to attend, fees can be determined. Fees are usually communicated via email and can be paid at a Fees night, via the teamlinkt app, or mailed to Morton United FC PO Box 182 Morton, IL 61550

How many tournaments or league weekends do teams go to? ​​​​​​​
Coaches determine the tournaments and number of tournaments to attend. Coaches also decide if their team will be participating in the SLYSA CID league.

MoRton United FC Board of Directors

Doug Glanert - President - Email

Robert Juricic - Vice President - Email

Chris Greiner - Secretary - Email

Tom Chaney - At Large - Email

Phil Seneca - At Large - Email

Brandon Blake - At Large - Email

Joey Klaus - At Large - Email

Steve Phillips - At Large - Email

Chris Formhals - At Large - Email

Tom Zilla - Associate Board Member - Email

Bob Hornsby - Ex Officio - Email

Tavis Bones - Ex Officio - Email

Morton United FC

Interested in Joining the Morton United FC Board of Directors?

Apply Here

Please note: Morton United Board members serve 2-year terms which start in January of odd years (2025, 2027, etc.).
